Tiger’s Diary: Run from the rain

September 2020

It was in under the bright morning sun that Tiger found himself below the blue skies and fresh air that only outdoors in the nature could provide. The drive to return to normalcy continued amidst the storm.

Weather patterns showed that he only had but a few hours to enjoy all that life had to offer before the heavens would inevitably pour. It was good to see some happy faces, people in their elements, working out and playing dress up in a ceremony he could not decipher as whether it was a full blown wedding or public baby shower.

Nothing could top the middle-aged white man who jogged around like a steam boat in an F1 circuit and the random believers who chanted in languages unknown. Tick tok! Tick tok! The clouds looked angrily at him as if to say, “get outta here in five minutes or we are going to dance. “

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Tiger thought to himself. On his way out, he saw a group of bubbly women in heels longer than the Eiffel Tower. They helped each other carry a gigantic bag which all pointed to a happy picnic. Three minutes later, he was safe when the heavens eventually poured and they did!

What happened to the dress up group, or the happy ladies or the jogging man bearing in mind it was an open space area? Ah! They danced in the rain he bets. Anyway, another day, another chance to live before he leaves. Stay tuned!

PS: All events may or may not have happened. Who knows?

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