Tiger’s Diary: Tales of the flaming beef

December 2020

Ah yes! The holidays, the only only reprieve in a somewhat whirlwind year that was 2020. Tiger was at it again, at the cusp of the age old peer pressure debate of ‘to do or not to do.’ Though livid, he did.

Off he was to the pomp areas of Valley Arcade. On the agenda was nothing more than some good food and even better company. Throwing caution to the wind was not something he would consider in these uncertain times but life as they say, must go on.

The place, more packed than a packet of Manja biscuits raised all kinds of red flags but alas! At the isolated corner was a temporary safe haven, a moment, though brief, to enjoy and explore. It was like a dark celestial halo pulling him to the unknown.

The major highlight was the flaming wet fry beef and what they called rice cashew nut something something. Who cares? It was delicious! It was nice to see happy faces, children playing but more importantly, people going about their business.

PS: Events may or may not have happened in this or an alternate timeline.

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