Tiger’s Diary: Soulmate’s kiss

Date: Times unknown

Having felt hair as smooth as silk, Tiger fell madly in love. It was nothing like a calculated process in fact far from that. What is love? Many have tried to define it, he felt it in the deepest echelons of his soul. She is now happy, he is happy. At times, it still hurts like being pricked inside in.

Many moons ago, Tiger saw a girl. Two actually. He could only have one. In that split second, he instinctively muttered the magic word ‘hi’ in their direction. Seemingly confused, the two daughters of Aphrodite (Roman mythology for goddess of love, sex and beauty) looked his way. The introvert in him cracked open. What would he do? Would his words choke him faster than a Ferrari on a highway? With sweat just a stone’s throw away, he had to say something quick.

“You look familiar. I have seen you around campus,” he said. He was clever enough to stretch out his hand in between the two so as to not give his intended recipient away. “Whoever will shake my hand first indicates more interest than the other,” he thought to his dumb self. 😁

I know that is a weird theory right? Well deal with it. It worked for him. Elsa (let us call her that), had an electrifying smile. A smile that ends wars. “I am Tiger, pleased to meet you. I do not mean to intrude but I saw you from a distance and had to introduce myself,” he said. She chuckled and replied, “I am glad you did. I have a class right now so why don’t we continue this conversation afterwards.”

Chemistry brewing

That night, it was to be the first of many through the streets of Kenyatta Avenue under the guise of the lights, pomp of the city lights and attraction so strong, that the MCU band of superheroes would borrow a leaf. Oblivious due to the banter, small talk and eye contact was a chemistry brewing. Funny, it was her who saw him off to the stage. Yes, Tiger was all about breaking norms and barriers.

This was the third time but it was he who led her to where she would board her bus home. Eyes were closed, breathing slow and time stood still. She put her hands behind his neck. The warmth of her lips felt like the veils of heaven had …….. Slow down partner! Wait for part 2 to find out more. Cheers!

PS: Events may or may not have happened in this or several alternate timelines.

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