Timbe and Tibul: Truth or dare


Timbe and Tibul, the best of friends and more obnoxious than a crowd of unsupervised teenagers. They had just got wind of the infamous truth or dare game. A traditional ‘spin the bottle’ bottle was used as a catalytic of this somewhat dangerous game.

Timbe was up first and he was asked to say the most embarrassing thing he had done that no one knew about. He was hesitant with a hint of sweat on the horizon. “Oh damn it! I was about 11 years old when I once snuck into my baby cousin’s room to try out his milk that was in his bottle if you know what I mean.” Timbe regrettably narrated.

He had to think of something in order to get Tibul back. Timbe dared Tibul to kiss Cataleya during dinner. Cataleya is someone who loved him very much. At nightfall, everyone including mum and dad was seated at the dinner table. Tibul came into the room in the full glare of the family and turned around.

His pajamas had a deep circular cut to expose his backside. Everyone was in shock! Just then, Timbe gave him a good old fashioned whirlwind smack with a towel in that exposed area. (See illustration below).


PS: Cataleya loved him like a sister would because it was his sister. No way he would kiss her on the mouth so Timbe gave him an equally difficult dare to do. Stay tuned for more crazy adventures as Timbe and Tibul walk down memory lane.

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