What are you? Really…

I have once said that we are tossed in a world of make believe. It is up to us to find what makes sense. The quest to find who and what we are is something that can take our entire lifetime. As we grow older, we form new alliances, forge new bonds and discover passion or things that excite us. We strive to be happy, probably find someone to be happy with and grow in ways that our hearts desire.

We face adversity, we are tested and worn down as we constantly try to better ourselves. Our guilty pleasures allow us to slow down when things get tight or move forward as planned. We invest time and money (both very important) in things and people we like. We are cursed by fate to irrational actions even for the most rational thinker. We are after all HUMAN.

We face different challenges as we ride on the bandwagon that is life.

Like an infinity stone, we can rise to display power beyond our wildest expectations. Like a pressure cooker nob, we can withstand the darkness within and outside alike. Like a candle light, we can illuminate ourselves and the world around us. Like a helmet, we can protect our heads from the wave of negativity and like a ticking time bomb, we can explode and indeed, have it all. We can and we will.

Reach beyond the heavens and into the far depths of your soul. Find the thing that makes you tick and let it run free like untamed beasts or as I like to say, “the reward is in the risk.” See you at the top!

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